the FAITH of Jude Stringfellow

"FE" era un cachorro con un defecto de nacimiento. Ésta es la increíble vida de una increíble perro, de una inspiradora perrita de dos patas que camina erguida como un humano! Nacida el día de Nochebuena del año 2002, lo hizo con dos patas - Por supuesto no podía caminar cuando nació, incluso su madre la rechazó... Su primer propietario tampoco pensó que podía sobrevivir y quiso sacrificarla. Pero entonces, su actual propietaria, Jude Stringfellow, quiso hacerse cargo de ella. Jude tomó la determinación de enseñar y entrenar a la pequeña para que caminara por sí misma .. Ella la llamó 'Fe'. Al principio, puso a FE en una tabla de surf para hacerle sentir el movimiento. Más tarde utiliza la mantequilla de maní en una cuchara y le recompensa por ponerse de pie y saltar. Incluso el otro perro en casa le animó a caminar. Sorprendentemente, sólo después de 6 meses, como un milagro, Fe aprendió a balancearse sobre sus patas traseras para saltar y seguir adelante. Después de la formación continua en la nieve, ya podía podía caminar como un ser humano. A la fe le encanta ahora caminar.

"FAITH was a pup born with a birth defect. The incredible life of an amazing dog; inspirational two-legged dog that walks upright like a human!

This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002. She was born with 2 legs - She of course could not walk when she was born. Even her mother did not want her.
Her first owner also did not think that she could survive and she was thinking of 'putting her to sleep'.
But then, her present owner Jude Stringfellow, met her and wanted to take care of her. She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by herself..
She named her 'Faith'.
In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let her feel the movement. Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for her for standing up and jumping around.
Even the other dog at home encouraged her to walk.
Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on her hind legs and to jump to move forward.
After further training in the snow, she could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now."



FAITH murió en septiembre del 2014

"We're very sad to announce that Faith, the two-legged dog who inspired millions, has passed away. All of us at Animal Wellness Magazine have been deeply touched by the incredible tenacity of this dog. We all send our love to Faith the Dog and her owner, Jude. Please share your condolences by leaving a comment."