Ghost in the Shell - humanity is our virtue
"Nos aferramos a los recuerdos como si nos definieran, pero son nuestras acciones lo que nos define. Mi espíritu sobrevivió para recordar a los próximos que... la humanidad es nuestra virtud.
Yo sé quién soy, y qué he venido a hacer"
"We cling to memories as if they define us. But what we do defines us. My ghost survived to remind the next of us that... humanity is our virtue.
I know who I am, and what I'm here to do."
Yo sé quién soy, y qué he venido a hacer"
"We cling to memories as if they define us. But what we do defines us. My ghost survived to remind the next of us that... humanity is our virtue.
I know who I am, and what I'm here to do."
Major: For someone who doesn't like people, how come you care about dogs so much?
Batou: Don't know. I just like strays and they like me.
Major: They like you because you feed them.
Batou: You got no heart.
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