MADONNA & STING - MUSIC Icon Magazine year 2000
"Madonna has consistently sustained and conquered the art of producing quality music with increased sophistication for the past two decades, repeatedly propelling herself into the upper stratosphere of the pop charts. Young pretenders can only watch and learn." ICON year 2000, number 35
"Madonna ha sostenido y conquistado consistentemente el arte de producir m煤sica de calidad con mayor sofisticaci贸n durante las 煤ltimas dos d茅cadas, impuls谩ndose repetidamente en la estratosfera superior de las listas pop. Los pretendientes j贸venes solo pueden mirar y aprender." ICON, MADONNA FAN CLUB MAGAZINE
"MUSIC", Madonna about the first single:
"I was at a Sting concert back when he did the old Police songs, and it was just him and the guitar, and the lights come down and somehow the energy in the room changed. It ignited the room, and it brought everybody closer to te stage. And suddenly, people lost their inhibitios and their politeness, and everyone was singing the songs and practically holding hands, and it really moved me. I thought, that´s what music does to people, it really does bring people together and it erases so much"
"Estaba en un concierto de Sting cuando se puso con antiguas canciones de POLICE, solo eran 茅l y la guitarra, y las luces se apagaron y de alguna manera la energ铆a del sitio cambi贸. Encendi贸 el espacio y acerc贸 a todos a el escenario. Y de repente, la gente perdi贸 sus inhibiciones y su encorsetamiento, todo el mundo estaba cantando las canciones y pr谩cticamente cogidos de la mano, realmente me conmovi贸. Pens茅, eso es lo que la m煤sica hace a la gente, realmente une a la gente y funde mucho."
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